2Ls:What inspired you to start the lego designs?
BW:Well the fashion game was getting saturated, overcrowded and I needed to do something so out there that no one else had done, I came up with the LEGO brick pendants as i actually used to make them when i was a kid!
2Ls:Where did you come up with the name Lyrics4Lyrics?
BW:lyrics4lyrics is taken from a phrase emcees in the UK grime music scene used when they would 'clash' each other verbally, alot of our first line of hoodies and t-shirts were worn by now UK chart topping grime emcees.
2Ls:Who all have you made lego apparel for?
BW:basement jaxx, kid rock, we've sent kanye & pharell williams clothing and also UK
musician called MIKA
2Ls:Do you have a favorite design that you have done so far?
BW:My favourite design is the Michael Jackson Logo, made 3 days before he passed.
2Ls:About how long does it take you to make a necklace?
BW:Doing a new design can take up to an hour, once ive made it i can just keep remaking them in obviously less time, it also depends on the actually design, smaller pieces with loads of colours and different LEGO elements take more time.
2Ls:If you could make something for a certain celebrity, who would it be?
BW:Ive already made a Sonic hedgehog pendant but i'd love Charles Hamilton to have that.
2Ls:What are your favorite trends so right now in the fashion industry?
BW:LEGO Brick pendants, cufflinks, ear studs by Bwoywonder!
2Ls:Who are your top fashionists right now?
BW:I like the designer of the too-rist range who I know and anty new young fashionists out there.
2Ls:What do you hope to accomplish in the next year with your designs?
BW:i want all states in America to be wearing LEGO brick pendants from L4L!
2Ls:Is lego designs all you do?
BW:We do clothing as well which is primarily are main thing and fitted caps which we're bringing back in spring/summer 2010.
2Ls:How can my viewers contact you?